
Last day at Brighton high was good. I went to my favorite teachers classroom. We did like annotated and read out loud. Then my favorite English teacher wanted me to talk to her class. I said to them that I wanted to be something more than a ball player. But I had fun with my senior project. Time: 7:30am-11:30am           12:00pm-2:15pm
Good day at school today. It was a very nice day and cool to see the kids and teachers dress up in something liter. Today was a normal day again. Helping kids with work and sharing stories. For one the classes, we went outside in yard. I did some errands around the school for teachers. At the end of the day I worked out with another basketball player. It’s cool teaching them what I know and what I’ve learned before proctor. Time: 7:30am-11:30am           12:00pm-2:15pm
Today was a good day. Very nice out at school so we did things outside. As we come almost to the end of senior project, opening up to everyone. Today I helped teachers prepare their lessons. I helped guidance counselors, lunch people move things on. It was just a good day overall. I’m sad my last day is tomorrow 🥺. Time: 7:30am-11:30am           12:00pm-2:15pm
Mykel Derring Kelly Griffin-Brown Senior Project 5/19/19 Weekly Reflection  It was a Great third week at Brighton High School. It was very calm week, nothing crazy happened this week, very cool and fun. What I learned this week was the different cultures and diversity that the school has. This week it was about Haiti and the Haitians at school. They had a festival coming up this week, so at the school they had like a week about them. It was cool to be there throughout that week to watch represent who they are and what country they are from. On Friday, it was Haitian flag day so the school faculty members made a bunch of food from their culture and served it to a bunch of kids. Helping with that and seeing that was great and how many kids came and enjoyed the food was great too. I love what i'm doing. It feels so good to help and give back and teach people from my own experiences and letting them know that if they put their mind to it they can achieve anything is good ...
I forgot to blog again yesterday. Yesterday was another great day at Brighton. It was more of a basketball day. Me and a lot of kids hit the gym. The kids wanted to hit the gym and learn. After we played pick up which was good. Had a great day. Time: 7:30am-11:30am           12:00pm-2:15pm
Another good day at Brighton. Today we did some fun stuff for the seniors that’s going to Graduate. There were a lot of activities that I helped get set up. Helped watch them and pray they won’t do bad things. Overall it was fun. Helped a few kids out giving them shooting drills to do. Time: 7:30am-11:30am           12:00pm-2:15pm
I didn’t blog yesterday, I forgot so i’m writing it now. Yesterday was a good day at Brighton. A lot of things needed to be done and it got done. I went out to gym and helped PE all day. We played a lot of games. Mostly busting these kids butt But it was fun. After school we worked out as a group. Very enjoyable day. Time: 7:30am-11:30am           12:00pm-2:15pm